
Star Trek fan fiction Ratings

So… ratings.

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All stories follow the guidelines of FictionRatings. Their ratings are divided into:

  • K: “Content suitable for most ages.”
  • K+: “Some content may not be suitable for young children.”
  • T: “Contains content not suitable for children.”
  • M: “Contains content suitable for mature teens and older.” and
  • MA: “Contains explicit content for mature adults only.”


How are the Star Trek fan fiction stories rated?

Many stories involve adults who do grown-up things. They have sex, they talk about it and they perform it. And sometimes they are not married or of different genders. It is not explicit. There is little to no profanity unless you have a problem with words like hell, damn, breast, thigh and butt. I rarely use most terminology, but there are definite implications.

Characters can be nude, and there is some description but very little. Minors never do anything other than kiss, although adult characters may talk about the loss of their virginity which has sometimes happened to someone is under the age of eighteen. No one has relations with animals, but they do sometimes have relations with non-humans (hey, it’s Star Trek). People also engage in foreplay, and sometimes do things that are unconventional, but it is handled more elliptically the more intense it gets.

I like to leave things to your imagination. You, the reader should come up with what the characters sound like, what they feel, how they smell (yes, really), and what moves them.

Violence Ratings?

There is also some violence. I sometimes kill off characters. At times, it’s gruesomely so. Mirror Universe characters are sometimes tortured (per Star Trek canon). Bad things happen when people get too close to explosions, or they become ill. The reader should draw the conclusions and feel the feelings. I don’t want to spoon-feed you with too much of it.

Sex, uh Ratings?

But it’s sex! Yes, Americans in particular are more squeamish about it than we tend to be about violence. It’s even in our Supreme Court rulings. Frankly, I’ve pulled fewer punches with the violence than I have with the sex. If you disagree with my ratings, you’re certainly welcome to.

For the most part, the T rating applies for most of the more explicit things I write. Some of it may be M in parts. In particular, Intolerance and Temper are probably the heaviest in terms of situations. This is my opinion and I will relax or strengthen the ratings themselves as values change. Or you can. Hey, you’re the reader. Use your own judgment. If you feel that my writing the phrase “he was aroused” is too explicit for you, then turn back now. You won’t offend me.

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